Glycolic pure nanopeel is used to improve the skin’s appearance and texture. It reduces wrinkles, acne scarring, hyperpigmentation & improves many other skin conditions including actinic keratosis, hyperkeratosis, and seborrheic keratosis.

What are the side effects of a glycolic peel?

The most common side effects include redness, irritation, scarring, and discoloration, but the potential side effects of a glycolic acid peel depend on the depth of the peel and your skin. Alpha hydroxy acids can also cause mild skin irritation, redness, swelling, itching, and skin discoloration. Facial peels, lotions, and creams with a concentration greater than 10% should only be used under the supervision of a dermatologist.

What should i do after the glycolic peel?

After a glycolic peel, it is important to follow proper home care instructions to encourage cell turnover and a smooth recovery. We recommend using a gentle cleanser twice a day, applying a soothing moisturizer to address signs of flaking, and avoiding sun exposure for two weeks.

What can i expect from a glycolic peel?

Typically, immediately after the peel, the skin will feel tight and look red, by day two to three, post-peel skin can begin to slough and shed. The level of peeling again depends on the intensity of the peel. With mild peels, expect gentle sloughing, and with stronger peels, skin can peel more dramatically.

How long does it take to see results from glycolic acid?

Within a few weeks of regular use of glycolic acid products, the skin should appear smoother and healthier. Some people notice a difference after two or three peels. You should notice a marked difference in the texture of your skin within 6-10 peels.

What is a glycolic peel good for?

Glycolic peels are very effective at shrinking the pores of your skin. Glycolic peel seeps into the epidermis of your skin and removes dead skin cells on its surface. Once cleansed, your skin pores shrink. Glycolic peels can prove to be an excellent treatment for acne and acne scars.

Glycolic 25% pure peel mild

25% Glycolic Acid
3 X 0.67Fl. oz. 3X20 ml
pH 1.0

Phototypes l-Vl

Anti-Acne / Pigment Effect Treatment(mild)

Glycolic Acid (25%), Aqua (Water), Xanthan Gum.

Glycolic 50% pure peel medium

50% Glycolic Acid
3 X 0.67Fl. oz. 3X20 ml
pH 1.0

Phototypes l-Vl

Anti-Acne / Pigment Effect Treatment (medium)

Glycolic Acid (50%), Aqua (Water), Xanthan Gum.

Glycolic 70% pure peel intense

70% Glycolic Acid
3 X 0.67Fl. oz. 3X20 ml
pH 1.0

Phototypes l-Vl


  • Powerful Keratolytic action
  • Treating small scars
  • Treating Stretch marks

Glycolic Acid (70%), Aqua (Water), xanthan gum.

Instructions of use


Activator Pre-treatment Gel
Rinse the face with water. Apply the product gently and massage for 1-2 minutes. Remove with a soft damp cloth or rinse gently with water. Your skin is ready for the treatment.


Protective petroleum jelly
Apply protective petroleum jelly around sensitive areas – periocular area, lips, nasal mucosa.


Ferulic peel
Apply the ferulic nanopeel using a brush, leave it for 3-5 minutes & re-apply second coat and massage till absorption. If irritation occurs, rinse off immediately with plenty of cold water.


Glycolic pure peel
Apply the glycolic pure peel solution using a peel brush and leave it for 3-5 minutes.
Remove the glycolic pure peel by applying neutralizing lotion.
If irritation occurs, rinse off immediately with plenty of cold water.
Note: Physician using his knowledge may select Peel 2 depending on skin condition.

STEP 5 : Neutralize (Post-treatment)

Spray Neutralizer on the skin and clean it with sterilized gauze. Use pressure if necessary.
Note:Do not neutralize the leave on peels.


Retinol yellow peel (mild)
Apply the single dose Vitamin C (ampoule) solution and gently massage till penetration. Apply Retinol (sachet) cream and gently massage till total absorption, seal the treatment with 1 layer of cream. Keep it for 6-8 hours. Do not neutralize.
If irritation occurs, rinse off immediately with plenty of cold water.

STEP 7 : Sun Protection (Post-treatment Care)

Sun Defense
Apply gently a thick layer of Sun defense cream on the face & body.

Personal Care (prescription): The physician may prescribe Leaderma personal care products for continuing the treatments at home.

Disclaimer: All professional treatments are strictly recommended to be performed by certified physicians. Leaderma Inc. or any of its subsidiaries, distributors, associates, etc. do not guarantee treatment results and are not responsible for any adverse effects on clients. Some products may not be available in your country.